• What is energy healing?

You have probably heard the term, but what does it mean exactly?  Energy healing refers to ways in which physical, emotional, or mental health is enhanced in a person through changing or influencing their energetic system.  Along with our physical anatomy, we have an energetic anatomy consisting of chakras, meridians or nadis, and aura.  Chakras allow for the inflow and outflow of energy into the system.  Meridians or nadis are pathways along which energy flows, just blood vessels in the physical body.  The aura is a radiatory field that we generate through the flow of energy through our system, just like an electromagnetic field is generated when electrical current flows through a wire.

When our energetic system is clean and flowing easily throughout the system, we experience good health and energy.  If our body is injured or encounters germs, our system is able to use the energy, or prana, flowing through it to repair itself or fight off the illness.  Our system knows how to heal itself without us thinking about it, but it requires the energy or fuel to do so.

Over time, we invariably accumulate blocks or stagnant energy in our system, due to many factors, including environmental and emotional conditions.  These blocks prevent the free flow of energy through the system, thus hampering the body’s ability to heal itself.

Energy healing works to remove these blockages and enhance the energy available to a person to promote healing.

  • What is Prana?

Humans are permeated by a spiritual force or energy that was called by different names in different traditions. “Prana” is the Sanskrit word for that spiritual energy inherent in all people. Prana is the energy that is moved and circulated in the traditional practice of Yoga. The term “mana” is used by Hawaiian kahunas for this energy which they use for healing. The term “chi” is used to describe the energy that is manipulated in acupuncture and utilized in the practice of tai chi.  The word “ki” used to describe the use of energy to defend oneself in martial arts such as Aikido.  "Ruah" or "manna" used in the Bible are also terms for this spiritual vital energy.

  • What are Chakras? What are their functions?

Chakras or “whirling energy centers” are very important part of the energy body. Just as the visible physical body has vital and minor organs, the energy body has major,minor and mini chakras. Major chakras are energy centers which in general are about three to four inches in diameter. They control and energize the major and vital organs of the visible physical body. They are just like power stations that supply life energy or prana to different organs. When the power station malfunctions, the corresponding vital organs become sick or diseased because they do not have enough life energy to operate properly.