

Pranic Healing Hawaii has been serving the community for more than a decade. With students across all the islands and local events happening on Oahu and Hawaii Island, Pranic Healing Hawaii strives to serve the community through free workshops, meditation nights and educational courses. In all mediations, we take time to bless the islands of Hawaii.

The Prana Healing Center on Oahu, in Kailua, hosts weekly free events and both introductory and advanced classes.


Pranic Healing Hawaii is part of a larger global community made up of more than 120 countries and all 50 states. Local students from Hawaii can take advantage of reviewing courses at any location around the world. Likewise students from around the world travel to Hawaii to enjoy the beautiful energy we have to offer. This exchange enriches us and expands our network of friends.


Welcoming to all, regardless of race, gender, religious or non-religious affiliation, nationality or sexual orientation. We seek the truth, which can be found in all religions throughout the world. We see the soul, the true essence of who we are.

The work we do at Pranic Healing Hawaii is driven by a 3 fold purpose:

Educate the Mind: It is through knowledge and an understanding of universal and spiritual truths that we are empowered. When we know, we do better.

Strengthen the Heart: By developing the heart, we increase compassion and desire to help others.

Develop the Will to do Good: Good intentions are not enough. They must be put into action. Pranic Healing goes beyond theory and provides practical, applicable techniques you can put into practice in your life.

The world changes by the action taken by each individual to do good.